Partnering with teachers


We offer different online or in-person activities designed for secondary school students (grade 9-12) and their teachers.


Partnering with teachers


We offer different online or in-person activities designed for secondary school students (grade 9-12) and their teachers.


ICFO’s Outreach team organizes activities, visits, and special programs specially designed for audiences that range from specialized audiences who are already familiar with photonics, to the uninitiated who we aim to inspire to learn more about science in general and the advances made possible by the amazing power of light in particular.


ICFO counts on the expertise of a multidisciplinary Educators Advisory Team. We collaborate to develop and improve our outreach programmes aimed to bring science closer to students.

teachers in a classroom learning how to use a polarizer


    Spark your secondary school studentsā€™ interest in physics and quantum technologies
  • ICFO Decide Game
    An engaging group activity to discover ICFO and photonics
  • High school research projects
    Discover how ICFO can help you with your project: there are many opportunities waiting for you!
  • Citizen Science
    Scientific projects that require the participation of people
  • Internships and stages at ICFO
    Researchers for a while!
  • Digital platforms
    Discover quantum technologies with the Quantum Tour!
  • Guided visits to ICFO
    Discover the power of photonics through interactive activities
  • Workshops: putting photonics to work
    Educators Hands on activities customized for target audiences ICFO creates workshops around different STEM topics underlying photonics for different age groups. These...
  • ICFO in fairs and other big events
    Educators ICFO participates in science and technology fairs, congresses and other events organized by other organizations with the aim of...
  • Magic Shows for Light Explorers
    Educators Learning about photonics in a magical way Light, its nature and its properties are as amazing as they are useful. In...
  • Exhibitions
    Educators Informative panels, posters and interactive installations to bring science and photonics closer to society ICFO creates exhibitions in different formats about...
  • Contests
    Educators Science through other disciplines ICFO creates multidisciplinary contests that encourage participants to get inmersed in the fascinating world of science and...
  • Books and stories
    Educators Creating publications for different audiences ICFO reaches out to all ages through books and other publications that aim at immersing readers...
  • Lifelong Learning for Teachers
    Educators From the lab to your classroom As ICFO, we collaborate with the program ā€œProfessors i ciĆØnciaā€ from the ā€œFundaciĆ³ Catalunya la...
  • Young Photonics Congress
    Educators A scientific meeting point for young students ICFO annually organizes the Young Photonics Congress, a meeting point for young students...
  • Resources for teachers
    Educators ICFO generates materials for educators and participates in European projects that generate resources for teachers. Explore and use these...
  • photonics in 5 minutes!
    Engaging talks and informal conversations with the people working in cutting-edge research.