Workshops: putting photonics to work

Hands on activities customized
for target audiences

ICFO creates workshops around different STEM topics underlying photonics for different age groups. These hands on activities enable participants to learn about photonics in fun ways. They vary in content and format depending on where they are implemented and the profile of the participants. These type of activities take place at ICFO, but also in the framework of other events, such as scientific fairs like the Youth Mobile (YoMo) or the festival Barcelona Science. They may even be implemented by third parties, such as ICFO’s workshop “Touch the Light” (“Toca la Llum“), regularly imparted at Barcelona’s science museum CosmoCaixa, or the workshops created by ICFO and implemented by fab labs within the European project PHABLABS 4.0.

Furthermore, ICFO creates materials for some of the workshops for teachers, so that they can adapt them to their classroom and perform the hands on activities with their students. In this link you will find guidelines for some activities related to graphene.


Talks, lectures and LIGHTtalks

A scientific meeting point for young students ICFO gives and organizes talks in different formats that are directed to different target audiences. We give the talk in or outside ICFO, at schools, museums, congresses, etc. To see our upcoming talks, please visit the...

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Career hub

CARLA, the career hub in photonics, aims to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship and to empower diversity.

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