ICFO Decide Game
hybrid Session – 2 hores
The teacher/group coordinator divides the participants into groups of 4/6 people. Each group should sit around the same table. You should print a deck of cards and a sheet with the final options for each group. If you prefer a no-paper option, please make sure that each participant has access to a device connected to the internet and contact us to receive the links for the activity.
The teacher/coordinator of the group shuffles the decks of cars and distributes the cards at the beginning of each phase as indicated below.
In order to print the cards correctly, we recommend choosing the following options:
- Multiple pages (2 x 2) per sheet;
- Landscape orientation;
- Print on both sides, flipping on the short side.
For better results, choose thick paper or thin cardboard.
You will find three types of cards: 18 Story Cards; 25 Info Cards; 17 Thinking Cards.
Different types of cards have different functions in the activity and can be easily distinguished because they have different colors and designs.
print a copy of these files for each group
connection with icfo
You will need a computer with microphone and speakers to connect to the ICFO. We recommend connecting your computer to a large screen and external speakers.
We will be available fifteen minutes before the activity at the provided link to check that everything is working properly. If you think you need to test your setup a few days in advance, please contact us.
We recommend to connect on time, so that we can go through all the phases of the activity with no hurry.
We will start the activity by presenting the aim of the activity and its different phases to the participants.
The teacher/group coordinator explains to the participants how they can ask questions during the activity (e.g. through the microphone, via chat, etc.)
phase 1: story cards
10 minutes
The teacher/group coordinator distributes 3 Story Cards to each participant.
The participants choose the card they find most interesting and explains it to the rest of the group.

phase 2: info cards
15 minutes
The teacher/group coordinator distributes 4 Info Cards to each participant.
The participants choose the two cards they find most interesting and explain them to the rest of the group.

phase 3: thinking cards
10 minutes
The teacher/group coordinator distributes 2 Thinking Cards to each participant.
The participants choose the card they find most interesting and explain it to the rest of the group.

phase 4: meet the expert
20 minutes
The teacher/coordinator of the group reminds the participants how they can ask questions.
A scientist working at ICFO connects with the group, introduces him/herself, explains his/her work and answers the participants’ questions.

phase 5: decision
15 minutes
The teacher/group coordinator distributes a sheet with the final options for each group.
We present the final options. Each group must agree on which option they prefer. Each group will have 2 minutes to present their decision in the following phase.

fase 6: share your opinion
20 minutes
Each group explains its decision to the rest of the participants.

We will end the session by showing some images of ICFO and presenting some activities of interest to the participants.
We invite you to fill out the feedback forms you can find here, so that you can help us to improve.
If you liked the ICFO Decide Game, we invite you to share your experience on social media by tagging @ICFOnians and using the hashtag #ICFOoutreach.