ICFO at the European researchers’ night
L’hospitalet – september 29, 18:00 h
Barcelona – September 30, 19:30 h
ICFOnians are always eager to explain their research to curious people interested in science. You can find two of them in the activities organized in the occasion of the European researchers’ night.
ANTONIO RUBIO ABADAL – Recepta per a preparar el punt més fred de l’univers (in Catalan)
You can find him among the researchers who will present their work at the Centre Cívic Sant Josep in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.
September 29, 18:00 h
FEN ZHANG – Brain response to speech during the first year of life (in English with translation to Spanish and Catalan)
You can find her among the researchers who will present their work during the third session of La Investigación a escena at the CosmoCaixa in Barcelona.
September 30, 19:30 h