FINAL CONCERT – La Llum a les Ones del Canvi
28 September 2018

On Researchers Night, on September 28, at 19h in CCCB, we will host the Final Concert of La Llum a les Ones where the awarded texts will be presented in form of a song composed by different musicians that will perform it live during the concert. Musicians include:
Joan Colomo
Núria Graham
Juanjo Fernández
Xdifference (Group composed of researchers of ICFO and of the Music Technology Group of the UPF)
The event will also include flash talks around climate change topics by different experts in different disciplines, including:
- Science Fiction, Science, and Climate Change, Miquel Barceló, professor at the UPC, where he coordinated the UPC Doctorate program on Sustainability, Technology and Humanism. Writer and editor, director of colecció NOVA
- New photovoltaic materials, Laura Ciammaruchi, postdoctoral researcher at the Organic Nanostructured Photovoltaics at ICFO
- Could materials define the way our future is built? Understanding new materials in order to create new futures, Laura Clèries, director of ELISAVA Research
- Artificial photosynthesis: From basic principles to technological impact, Nuria López, Group Leader of Atomistic simulation addressed to develop more rationalized heterogeneous catalysts in ICIQ, and José Ramón Galán, Group Leader of Photomagnetic materials and bioinorganic models for energy applications in ICIQ
- Circular economy: economic and environmental prosperity, Jordi Oliver, founder and CEO of Innedit and researcher at ICTA-UAB
- Quantum concepts in photosynthesis, Niek van Hulst, Group Leader of Molecular Nanophotonics de l’ICFO
This event is free and open to everybody. You just need to register.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!

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Location - CCCB
Montalegre, 5
08001 Barcelona
08001 Barcelona
The CCCB is a space for creation, research, exhibition and debate on contemporary culture where visual arts, literature, philosophy, film, music, transmedia activity and the performing arts are interconnected in an interdisciplinary programme.