La Luz y el universo

La llum i l’Univers. Ones gravitacionals Óscar Vaz Vázquez Col·Legi Santo Angel – Gavà We have realized that the study of light brings progress to science. Since we started wondering about it, we have always tried to understand what light is. Today we know...

Hipertermia inducida por láser

Hipertermia inducida por láser luna ramiro cuenca centre d’estudis joan xxiii – l’hospitalet de llobregat Photo-thermal therapy is a minimally-invasive treatment in which photon energy is converted into calorific energy to kill cancer cells. Gold...

Proyector de bacterias

Proyector de bacterias joaquín touron morris   escola virolai – barcelona In this work a water drop was used to get amplified images of the micro organisms we have in our mouth. By pointing a laser beam on a water drop we can obtain an amplified image of...


Holografia víctor garcía ruiz jesuïtes bellvitge joan XXIII – L’hospitalet de llobregat The holography is based in “holos” which means complete or full and “graphy” which means image, so holography is the record of the entire image. For that, we need to...

Desplazamiento warp y factor de curvatura

Desplazamiento warp y factor de curvatura alejandro corchón franco   escola virolai – barcelona In the imaginary scientific universe of Star Trek, which is known for its popular characters, it draws our attention to an effect that has been questioned by...