El Young Photonics Congress és un congrés científic protagonitzat per estudiants d’ESO i batxillerat que presenten els seus projectes de recerca.

Descobreix el món de la fotònica amb les xerrades flaix sobre la recerca que es fa a l’ICFO i amb els projectes de recerca de joves científics i científiques!


17 de març de 2023 – ICFO (CAstelldefels)

09:30 – 10:00: Registre
10:00 – 11:00: Introducció i Xerrades flaix
Obrirem el congrés amb una breu introducció a la fotònica i a l’ICFO, seguida per projectes de recerca de l’ICFO explicats en primera persona per qui hi treballa.
11:00 – 12:45: Presentacions dels projectes
Aquesta secció tindrà l’estructura d’una típica sessió de pòsters d’un congrés científic. Es presentaran tots els projectes al mateix temps: els assistents podran descobrir els diferents projectes i fer preguntes als autors en petits grups de conversa.
12:45 – 13:00: Cloenda

xerrades flaix

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Arturo Villegas

Arturo va obtenir la Llicenciatura en Física i el Màster en Física Aplicada a la UNAM (Mèxic) i TUDelft (Països Baixos) els anys 2015 i 2018, respectivament. Actualment, està a punt d’aconseguir el seu doctorat pel seu treball al grup d’Enginyeria Quàntica de la Llum de l’ICFO. Els seus principals interessos de recerca són la metrologia quàntica i òptica clàssica.

Ariane Stucki

Ariane Stucki va estudiar física a Suïssa i a Suècia i té un doctorat en microfluídica a la intersecció entre la biologia, la física i la química. Actualment treballa a l’ICFO com a enginyera de recerca al grup d’Optoelectrònica, on desenvolupa dispositius per detectar bacteris i controlar la qualitat de les aigües on ens banyem.

Blanca Belsa

Blanca Belsa va estudiar química a l’Institut Químic de Sarrià (IQS) a Barcelona i va obtenir el seu màster a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra el 2019. Actualment, està desenvolupant la seva tesi doctoral a l’ICFO al grup de mitigació de CO2 accelerada per fotons. La seva recerca se centra en el desenvolupament de tecnologies per convertir el CO2 en productes químics de valor afegit, utilitzant fonts d’energia renovables.



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Protocol de criptografia quàntica per a la protecció de dades

Marina Garciapons Cava

Institut Manuel de Cabanyes – Vilanova i la Geltrú (2 bat)

Docent: Francesc Banyuls Llopis

The project aims to determine how we could protect our data whenever the current security is not enough. I investigated how a quantum cryptography protocol works, reproducing it experimentally in an ICFO lab. This cryptography provides greater security due to the properties of quantum physics.

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Technique for calculating Hydric stress

Laura Hochadel

Escola Virolai – Barcelona (1 bat)

Docent: José Luis Touron Rivadulla

Our goal was to analyze the level of health of plants, using a technique called NDVI. We attached a camera with a red filter to a sounding balloon and programmed it to take pictures from a bird’s eye view and colour-indicating the results obtained from the NDVI calculation.

Analysing Type Ia Supernovae Redshifts for Dark Energy Quantification


Institut Pompeu Fabra – Martorell (2 bat)
Docent: Francisco Pérez Garcia

This study aims to quantify the dark energy in the Universe from Hubble Space Telescope raw data. Measuring the effective magnitude for several type Ia Supernovae we demonstrated that there is some energy, whose essential nature remains unknown, that composes about 75% of the cosmos.

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Cel·les fotovoltaiques i les fonts de llum


Institut Damià Campeny – Mataró (1 bat)
Docent: Marta Magarzo


Our project is about the construct of solar panel formed by twelve panels, they’re connected, so it makes a constant current. The objective is doing a study relating deferents types of light source that affect directly to the plaque and see which generate more voltage.

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Construcció i aplicació d'una cel·la fotovoltaica


Institut Damià Campeny – Mataró (1 bat)

Docent: Marta Magarzo


Our work involves building a photovoltaic cell to see if the voltage changes with different frequency intensities of incident radiation.

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Construcció d'un panell fotovoltaic


Institut Damià Campeny – Mataró (1 bat)

Docent: Marta Magarzo

Solar energy has become the main method of renewable energy production. After studying the theoretical principles of solar energy obtention through solar panels, a photovoltaic cell was built with the purpose of testing which hour of the day provides the highest energy yield.

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Quantum computing


Institut Puig de la Creu – Castellar del Vallès (2 bat)

Docent: Rosa Maria Blasco Soriano

This project’s main objective is the evaluation and comprehension of quantum technologies, focusing on quantum computing. During the research, I discuss the current and future impact of quantum computing, as well as the deep study of its meaning and functioning.

Investigation of the method of obtaining information and image of a black hole and comparison with the theory of general relativity


Escola Mare de Déu de la Salut – Sabadell (2 bat)
Docent: Joan Marin

The similarities and the differences between the two black hole’s photographs that have been taken thanks to the long-baseline interferometry method are argued in the General Relativity. Although in the images we can recognize the shadow of the black hole and the event horizon, we can also appreciate the dissimilarity of their ring determined by the mass.

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estudi de la llum mitjançant UN espectròmetre


Col·legi Maristes Montserrat – Lleida (2 bat)

Docent: David Escolà


The objective of this project is to learn about the function of spectrometry and using a spectrometer. With it I will analyse different light sources, comparing them to a theoretical research, to be able to define how the different light sources works and to know which one is better than the others.

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La revolució silenciosa del grafè


Institut Luís de Peguera – Manresa (2 bat)
Docent: Montserrat Amich Llacuna

This work studies the expectations placed in graphene as well as includes an explanation of the phenomenon of “media hype”. Finally, we tested three methods of obtaining graphene to verify which one is most effective for obtaining graphene in large quantities and quality.

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L'efecte de lA radioactivitat en els éssers vius


Sagrada Familia – Gavà (2 bat)

Docent: Daniel Parcerisas Brossa


We tried to demonstrate if the radioactivity has a negative effect on living being. To do it, I grew beans with different amounts of radiation. We saw various negative effects, but we couldn’t relate to radioactivity, as they appeared in all the plants, regardless of the amount of radiation

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L'observació als patrons


Institut Fort Pius – Barcelona (2 bat)
Docent: Pau Senra
In this project, we pretend to analyze different diffraction’s pattern of splits or obstacles, for example a human hair or a metallic wire, and distinct sources of laser (in our case, green and red laser). Based on the observations, we study about looking at the patterns and know about the changes of the pattern caused by our presence.

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Direct Astronomical Observation vs. Instrumental Astronomical Observation


Santo Angel – Gavà (2 bat)

Docent: Sonia Tarancón

The objective of this project is to verify if there are relevant differences between direct observation and instrumental observation. To verify this, two light curves have been created and compared to each other to find errors. The results indicate that there are indeed differences, with a significant margin of error.

Ones electromagnètiques. L'espectrometria i les seves aplicacions


Institut Cirvianum – Torelló (2 bat)

Docent: Lidia Carrera Coma
The goal is finding out which types of oils are suitable for frying or for raw consumption.
The oils were heated and spectra were made for each of them.
The results showed much variation in the spectra of extra virgin oils, that should be consumed raw, than the others, that should be used for cooking.

Proving the universality of quantum mechanics at macroscopic scales using matter-wave interferometry



The British School of Barcelona – Castelldefels (1 bat)

In this work, we explore which are the largest objects that can manifest their quantum behavior and why there are limitations related to their dimensions. The main focus will be on the superposition and wave-particle duality of large objects from the perspective of current experimental advances in the field.

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¿Cuál es la naturaleza de la luz?


Institut Campclar – Tarragona (2 bat)

Docent: Sonia Landete


The purpose of this investigatory project was to study the nature of light, and research on how light propagates, whether it is a wave or a particle.

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Investigating how exposure to light will affect the degradation of a bag polymer


St Peter’s School – Barcelona (4 ESO)

Docent: Nuria Garcia Flor

The effect of UV light (395 nm, 10 W and 30W) in the degradation of a bag polymer was investigated using a spectrophotometer to measure the absorbance of the aqueous solution in which the polymer was immersed. Results showed the migration of polymer substances into the surrounding solution increased depending on the exposure time and the power of the light used.

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Using the diffraction of a laser beam to quantify the concentration of glucose of an unknown solution


St Peter’s School – Barcelona (4 ESO)

Docent: Nuria Garcia Flor

Trigonometry calculations allowed to establish the change in the angle of diffraction of a beam of light from a laser pointer due to an increase in the concentration (0-30%) of glucose in a solution (n=3). The correlation found was then used to quantify the concentration of glucose of an unknown sample.

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Un Món FET de grafè


Institut Sant Pere i Sant Pau – Tarragona (2 bat)

Docent: Marisa Padial


My work is about research on graphene. Looking for information about what it is, what characteristics it has, what are its methods of obtaining and in which it can be applied, to end with an experiment.

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Quantum security of autonomous vehicles


St Paul’s School – Barcelona (1 bat)


The purpose of this project is to explore the security risks of autonomous vehicles and look for solutions involving quantum encryption. For instance, the project analyzes BB84 and its possible modifications and improvements.

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