
Holografia víctor garcía ruiz jesuïtes bellvitge joan XXIII – L’hospitalet de llobregat The holography is based in “holos” which means complete or full and “graphy” which means image, so holography is the record of the entire image. For that, we need to...

El mite de la persistència retinal

El mite de la persistència retinal elsa martín pascual,nerea serrano garcía,marta ochando salgado,maria sicilia pont institut el cairat – esparreguera With the thread Physics behind the beginnings of cinema, our project steps into the theory of retinal...


Projectem-nos ainoa camacho gonzález,maria hortigüela mateo,ana pascual aranda institut el cairat – esparreguera Photonics is the science of photons, responsible particles for all electromagnetic spectrum  radiation, among which is the visible light that we see....

Can photonics detect and prevent pollution?

Can photonics detect and prevent pollution? manel martinez rubio, marta hubach coromina escola pia – olot Nowadays, the air pollution is one of the most important problems in the planet. The humans pollute, but we aren’t doing anything for analyzing the...

Batecs, llum i Arduino

Batecs, llum i Arduino anna segura merino,ismael valdés   ies josep lluis sert – castelldefels The aim of our project is to create a t-shirt with LED lights attached to it that turn on and off following the heart rate of the person wearing it by using...